September 29, 2005 - 07:44 AMT
Today the session of the CIS Council of Ministers of Internal Affairs (CMIF) opened in Yerevan. CMIF incumbent Chairman, Belarus Minister of the Interior Vladimir Naumov conveyed authority to Armenian Minister of Internal Affairs, lieutenant general Hayk Harutyunyan. The latter stated the meeting will make a considerable contribution to the cooperation between the CIS departments. H. Harutyunyan also noted that cooperation for the sake of securing and struggle against crime will further strengthen. It should be noted that Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan Asker Alekperov takes part in the CIS CMIF meeting. Russian, Georgian, Belarus and Ukrainian Ambassadors, Armenian FM V. Oskanian, Justice Minister D. Harutyunyan, PM Andranik Margaryan were also present at the session opening. Addressing those present the Armenian PM expressed confidence that the outcomes of the session work will have positive impact on the developing cooperation between the CIS Ministries of Internal Affairs. "Today when the entire world faces new challenges, the working out of a common strategy to organize struggle against most dangerous types of crimes is urgent. Terrorism and organized crime, illegal turnover of drugs and arms, illegal migration and human trafficking - these phenomena pose a real threat to national security. Terrorism can be stopped owing to coordinated efforts of the Commonwealth states. Struggle against corruption is pressing among other issues. Evidently, struggle with various types of crimes is doomed to failure within one state. Thus the creation of an adjusted system and mechanisms that will allow uncovering large criminal organizations is utterly important for us today," A. Margaryan said. In his turn, Chairman of the CIS Executive Committee, Executive Secretary Vladimir Rushaylo stated in the course of the Kazan Summit of the CIS member states have confirmed their readiness to cooperation. This refers to three aspects specifically - economic integration, security issues and humanitarian cooperation. Having stated that the overall number of crimes committed on the CIS territory within the initial six months of 2005 has increased 12% as compared to the same period past year, V. Rushaylo said he hoped that the CIS Ministers of the Interior will promote adoption of urgent agreements and documents, reported IA Regnum.