September 30, 2005 - 08:29 AMT
During recent 10 years Yerevan has become the place for conduction of international forums on constitutional justice, says the welcoming address of Armenian President Robert Kocharian to the participants of the international conference dedicated to the 10-th anniversary of the adoption of the RA Constitution and formation of the Constitutional Court that started in Yerevan today. "This conference is a jubilee one. With its composition and urgency of the issues to be discussed it will make considerable contribution to the theoretical and practical settlement of the problems available. Armenia is getting ready for serious constitutional reforms. The experience of many countries testifies of the danger of constitutional standstill. You, the professionals, are well aware that the constitutional decisions should concord with the public development and should by all means promote them. The operating Constitution played a significant role in the development of democracy and its inevitability. It helped Armenia to become a member of the Council of Europe. However, practical implementation of the Constitution has revealed serious conceptual faults that impeded development of democracy in the republic. Today it is essential to create constitutional guarantees for the formation of a legal state. Efficient collaboration with international structures including the Venice Commission and long-term discussions are coming to an end. In the near future a draft keeping with the modern developments will be submitted to the nation. This draft guarantees appreciable progress for the protection of human rights and division of power. The level of independence of the juridical power and local self-government has been considerable raised. Our purpose is to make the Constitution a live reality. It should become popular for each citizen of our republic. Right and law should become the fundament for public life built upon liberal values. This is the dictate of our times. I believe that the discussions held during the conference will accord with the reality and will help the society to comprehend the significance of constitutional developments. I would like to thank all of you for visiting Armenia and participating in this jubilee event. I do not doubt in efficiency of the conference and wish our guests pleasant stay in the Republic of Armenia," the message says.