March 26, 2013 - 12:56 AMT
Raffi Hovannisian responds to Serzh Sargsyan’s letter

Former presidential candidate of Armenia, Heritage party leader Raffi Hovannisian responded to President Serzh Sargsyan’s letter.

“Yesterday, I received your letter, dated March 25. I positively assess your decision to finally respond to my letter.

Though the letter conveys disputed arguments, I consider your readiness to accept my document as basis for negotiations progress.

I reaffirm willingness to meet you in Library Square to discuss the settlement of the problem. I am thankful to you for your concerns about my health. I am healthy and stand ready to have a working meeting with you for the sake of constitutional New Armenia.

If you consider Liberty Square an inconvenient venue for our meeting, feel free to inform me of your offers,” Hovannisian’s letter reads.