November 7, 2005 - 15:55 AMT
Kiniklioglu: Events in 1915 Can Indirectly Affect Turkey Accession to EU
«Within the past 3 years Turkey has changed considerably and even being an optimist myself I did not expect it,» Suat Kiniklioglu, the Director of the US Marshall Fund's office in Ankara, stated in the course of an international conference in Yerevan. In his words, of course, there are shortcomings, however reforms in Turkey are evident, specifically, in the building of a more open, democratic society. Presenting Turkey's four-year experience in the process of EU accession, S. Kiniklioglu remarked that working with the EU is not simple, and «Turks have knocked at the EU door in a most difficult period; Europe itself is in a state of chaos today, trying to «digest» the new enlargement and is preoccupied with many problems.» In his words, it is painful and sometimes even humiliating, however during the past year Turks came to realize that the process is more important than the final outcome, i.e. accession. In S. Kiniklioglu's words, irrespective of whether Brussels will like it or not, the point is that the region is part of Europe and the countries work for European values.

He advised not focusing on the final outcome. Kiniklioglu did not rule out Turkey not becoming an EU member and noted the importance of own progress itself. He assured Turkey fully met EU demands without disputing with the EU, considering it luxury. Kiniklioglu remarked no one can predict the situation in 10-15 years, the Europe may be ready to living in a multi-cultural society. He also expressed an opinion that «events in 1915 will not be an EU official requirement to Turkey,» however these may become part of the general discussion and will affect the process indirectly. In his words, the less the issue is voiced as an official demand, the more it will remain in the field of good neighborly relations. «It is more real and Turks are ready to find a solution to that problem,» Suat Kiniklioglu said, reported the Yerkir newspaper.