November 10, 2005 - 15:37 AMT
Charity Navigator: Armenian Assembly of America among Best Philanthropic Organizations
The Armenian Assembly of America is one of the best non-profits to donate to according to a study by Charity Navigator, America's largest independent evaluator of charities. The New Jersey-based group sent a letter of congratulations to the Assembly on October 5, stating in part: "Charity Navigator salutes your charitable efforts. Receiving four out of four possible stars indicates that your organization excels, as compared to other charities in America, in successfully managing the finances of your organization in an efficient and effective manner. This rise in your rating is an exceptional feat, especially given the economic challenges many charities have had to face in the last year." "The Assembly is honored by this acknowledgement," said Board of Trustees Chairman Hirair Hovnanian. "Our members have helped grow and sustain this organization for more than 30 years and this recognition underscores their trust in us and our responsibility to them."

The rating is based on 990 tax forms the Assembly filed with the Internal Revenue Service and an analysis of two broad areas of financial health - organizational efficiency and organizational capacity. The first category measures program expenses and fundraising efficiency, while the second determines how well a charity sustains its programs and services over time. "With more than 1.2 million charities operating in the U.S., and many worthy causes within the Armenian community, it is important that all of us be held to a high set of donor and charitable standards," said Board of Directors Chairman Anthony Barsamian. "Our four-star rating from
Charity Navigator is a credit to the Armenian Assembly's efficiency and our overall financial health," he added, the Armenian Assembly of America told PanARMENIAN.Net.