November 12, 2005 - 14:57 AMT
Ukraine Joined EU Statement on Yerevan-Baku Peace Dialogue
Ukraine has joined the statement of the European Union that hailed activation of the Azerbaijan-Armenia peace dialogue over the Nagorno Karabakh conflict, reported Ukrainian News. In its statement the EU hailed OSCE Minsk Group efforts aimed at reduction of tension in the region and preventing escalation of the conflict. The EU along with Ukraine hope for success in solving the conflict in 2006. The EU urges Azerbaijan and Armenia to intensify talks and find a balanced solution that will require a compromise from both parties, as well as to avoid provocation and statements that may result in escalation of the conflict. The EU is ready to do its best for the parties coming to a peace accord the MG is urging to. It should be reminded that since late May Ukraine has been joining those EU statements that are fully in line with its foreign policy. Ukraine stated its readiness to become a mediator in the NK conflict settlement at the turn of 2002.