November 16, 2005 - 12:57 AMT
Turkish FM Called Decisions of Various Countries on Armenian Genocide «Irresponsible»
When addressing the session of the NATO PA in Copenhagen Turkish Premier Recep Tayyip Erdogan said «genocide has never been part of our history.» Speaking of the regions with Armenia, Erdogan remarked, «Turkey has opened its air space to Armenian airplanes and initiated cargo transportation between Yerevan and Istanbul.» In his words, «the Turkish Government holds restoration works at Akhtamar Armenian Church.» The PM also stated «the Turkish party has opened its archives and expects the same from Armenia.» «Genocide has never been part of our history. I consider blaming a genocide upon a government, that has resettled part of its population due to a riot, a brutal mistake,» Erdogan is sure.

In his turn Turkish FM Abdullah Gul stated in the course of parliamentary hearings November 15 that «the Armenian party is trying to distort our history via ungrounded accusations.» In his words, Turkey «has suggested Armenia to form a joint commission to investigate historical facts, however the Armenian party did not answer affirmatively to that proposal.» A. Gul urges all interested parties to support Turkey's proposal and «not to make irresponsible decisions based on ungrounded accusations.» It should be reminded that this April Armenian President Robert Kocharian sent a response message to Turkish PM, suggesting to form a bilateral intergovernmental commission to discuss and solve all problems available, reported Mediamax.