November 30, 2005 - 14:10 AMT
Ruling Coalition Calls upon Armenian People Not to Yield to Provocation
"We call not to yield to attempts to destabilize the situation in the country and its international authority. We are obliged to respect the opinion of our citizens expressed via the constitutional referendum and we condemn any attempt that can lead to split of society into those who believe and those who do not believe in the returns of the referendum, to formation of camps of confrontation between the supporters and opponents of the constitutional amendments," the statement says. "The referendum has taken place and it is obvious that its returns express the spirit and will of the nation," the statement issued by the Republican Party of Armenia, ARF Dashnaktsutyun and Orinats Yerkir party says. "Unfortunately some political forces try to minimize the importance of the constitutional reform and distort the logic of the process. They set an objective to prevent the discussion and transform it into a coalition-opposition dispute, tense the situation and spread doubts as regards the outcomes of the referendum. Considering any phenomenon casting a shadow upon the state event to be inadmissible we are convinced that those responsible for fraud and abuse must be called to account," notes the statement.