November 30, 2005 - 15:28 AMT
Garnik Isagulian: Opposition Wants Victims to Suit Its Own Ends
The Central Electoral Commission is the only body empowered to issue figures, other figures are illegal and have no juridical force, RA President's Advisor on National Security Garnik Isagulian stated when commenting on the opposition's statement, according to which 336 thousand people participated in the constitutional referendum. In his words, "the false figures were presented by the opposition representatives, who allegedly worked all day long. "Some people invite some observers who don't even attend the polling stations, and then publish some figures," Garnik Isagulian said adding that the CEC has not received complaints from neither of 2000 local election committees. He also noted that any illegal move will be prevented. "We call to action within the framework of law. No one is entitled to infringe anybody's rights. The authorities will not let it happen. The opposition is trying to incite people to action and even want victims to suit its own ends