December 23, 2005 - 17:08 AMT
Baghdassaryan: 2006 Promises to Be a Year of Specification of Political Positions
"The year 2006 will be one of election competition in Armenia. Besides, serious discussion of the issue of further activities of the ruling coalition of parties (the Republican Party, Orinats Yerkir and the Armenian Revolutionary Federation Dashnaktsutyun) will be held," stated Armenian NA Chair, Orinats Yerkir party leader Artur Baghdassaryan. He noted "it is a normal process and there is no occasion for concern." Touching upon the political transpositions expected in the country, the Armenian Speaker spoke against artificial processes. "Each political force has its own approach and fights in its own way. However, the more political specifications, the better. Political transpositions also take place in the opposition, thus the year 2006 promises to be one of specification of political positions," Baghdassaryan remarked.

Touching upon the parliamentary election in 2007, the Speaker said Orinats Yerkir will take part in the election without fail. As of the presidential election in 2008 and the possibility of his running for President, Mr. Baghdassaryan said "there are no public decisions thereupon yet." "The people should choose their leader themselves. There are parliamentary elections before the presidential ones, so there is time left still," he said. Next three years - 2006, 2007 (parliamentary elections) and 2008 (presidential elections) - will be very important to Armenia. At that in Baghdassaryan's words, the ruling coalition managed to solve all tasks it had. In 2006 the Armenian Speaker wished Armenian citizens "truth, kindness and tolerance", as well as "intolerance towards lie, corruption and various crimes," reported IA Regnum.