December 23, 2005 - 18:19 AMT
Azeri President Speech Dissonant to OSCE MG Calls
President Aliyev's speech marked the visit of co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group to the region: it was presented to the public December 14, 2005 - on the day of arrival of co-chairs from Russia, US and France. Plenipotentiary Minister and Extraordinary Envoy, full member of the Academy of Military Sciences (Moscow), counter-terrorism scientific expert of US National Defense University (Washington) Hayk Kotanjyan stated it, when commenting on the statement of Azeri President Ilham Aliyev, who urged Azeri scholars and respective institutions of the country to involve in the program of grounding absence of historical rights of Karabakh Armenians to their native residence land - Artsakh. Armenian MOD Spokesperson, colonel Seyran Shahsuvaryan told PanARMENIAN.Net. In H. Kotanjyan's words, a political order to the Azeri Academy of Sciences «and other relevant bodies", as Aliyev significantly said, was a leitmotif of the his speech. The Azeri leader urged the scholars to prove a hypothesis running counter to world science: that Armenian population in the territory of Karabakh (Artsakh) is not indigenous. Thus, President Aliyev has turned the anti-Armenian hysteria to a strategy of Azeri fundamental science,» he stated.

According to H. Kotanjyan, an unprecedented public and paid political order to the fundamental science for falsification of the history of a disputed territory, subject to international consultations on peaceful settlement. On the other hand Azerbaijan states on state sponsorship of escalation of anti-Armenian hysteria on that basis with attraction of modern arsenal of traditional and electronic media. A situation masterly described by George Orwell in his «1984» pamphlet, the expert added. In his words, the Azeri leader's speech is dissonant to calls of OSCE MG and heads of co-chair countries - the US, Russia and France - on refraining from steps aggravating mutual distrust between the conflicting peoples. It also runs counter to the spirit of the encouraging calls for people's diplomacy joining the peace talks over settlement of the Karabakh conflict.

Answering a question what was the purpose of that step, H. Kotanjyan stated, «I would mention not one, but several purposes. Firstly, to redirect the public opinion of Azerbaijan in the post-election period from democracy issues in the country to the habitual dazzling inter-ethnic hostility. Secondly, again to drive into the corner of revenge-seeking forces, positioning themselves in struggle for promoting peace and progressive development of peoples in the region. Finally, to continue demoralization of the fundamental social science, as the bearer of the scientific truth regarding political processes in the country and the world.»