December 27, 2005 - 16:29 AMT
Baku Tries to Divert Attention from Destruction of Armenian Monuments in Nakhichevan
"Neither in Yerevan suburbs, nor in Masis settlement there has never been any Azeri sanctuary named Agadede," reported head of Research of Armenian Architecture NGO Samvel Karapetyan. In his words, there are Iranian architectural values in Yerevan and near Yerevan, but they have nothing in common with Azerbaijan. This is also true of the mosques, which are "protected and preserved." "The reports of the Azeri party on destruction of an Agadede sanctuary situated near Yerevan aim at misleading the international community and conceal the fact of barbaric destruction of Armenian Khachkars (headstones) at Old Julfa cemetery in Nakhichevan," Karapetyan added, reported IA Regnum.

It should be noted that yesterday Azeri media reported alleged destruction of an over one thousand years old Agadede sanctuary 10 km away from Yerevan, "The Agadede sanctuary, situated to the south of Yerevan next to Masis settlement, was one of the principal sanctuaries of Azeris living in Armenia. Materials of ancient buildings and stone constructions, hundreds of headstones are demolished and robbed. Graves of Sefevids, Gajar Beks and Irevan Khans were situated at the cemetery."