January 12, 2006 - 14:42 AMT
OSCE MG Did Not Receive Final Response over Oskanian-Mammadyarov Meeting in London
No final responses were received from parties to the Nagorno Karabakh conflict over the meeting of Armenian and Azeri FMs in London, stated OSCE Minsk Group (MG) Russian Co-Chair Yuri Merzlyakov. He confirmed Mammadyarov-Oskanian meeting is scheduled January 18-19 in London. «However, we are not aware of the final results,» he said. The mediators have made that proposal, but there is no specific response from the parties yet, Merzlyakov added, reported 525 Baku newspaper. It should be noted that earlier V. Oskanian stated that Armenian and Azeri FMs intend to meet in London January 18-19 and the Azeri MFA reported the next round of talks is scheduled January 18-19.