January 12, 2006 - 15:07 AMT
Turan Morali: Turkey Can Send Peacekeepers to Karabakh in Case of Need
"In case of need Turkey being guided by the mandate of international peacekeeping forces, can send its peacekeeping forces to Nagorno Karabakh," stated Turkish Ambassador to Azerbaijan Turan Morali. In his words, it is not known yet within the mandate of which organization those forces will take part. Evidently, works will take much time. The Ambassador also informed journalists on the coming visit of Turkish President Ahmet Necdet Sezer to Azerbaijan.

Turan Morali also touched the topic of Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline. In his words, the building of the Turkish part of the pipeline drags on, however no the construction company will not be fined. In the Turkish Ambassador's words, the official opening of the Turkish part of the BTC will be held in late March - early April 2006, reported IA Regnum.