January 22, 2003 - 20:13 AMT
In a letter to Azeri president Heydar Aliyev co-chair of the US Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues Frank Pallone (D-NJ) condemned the destruction of the historical Armenian cemetery in Jugha settlement of Nakhichevan district of Azerbaijan. As reported by "Arminfo" agency, UNESCO representatives have attempted to visit the Armenian graveyard many times, but encountered the Azeri government's refusal. In Frank Pallone's words, Jugha is only one of the examples of intentional destruction of Armenian historical values. Thus, only UNESCO accurate supervision of the Armenian church in Baku saves it from being demolished. The systematic destruction of Armenian values is a propaganda against Armenia and the Armenian diaspora and hampers the process of settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. Baku's review of the policy of destruction and following of a policy of restoration may become the first step on the way of reconciliation of the Armenian and Azeri peoples, the Congressman noted in his letter. Frank Pallone called Azerbaijan to follow international norms and to preserve the historical values of other peoples. The obedience to the UNESCO principles can demonstrate Azerbaijan's serious attitude to the world, as well as respect of the culture and the history of its neighbors.