July 24, 2013 - 10:40 AMT
ANCA: U.S. House Subcommittee urges aid to Syria refugees

The U.S. House Subcommittee responsible for drafting the Fiscal Year 2014 (FY14) foreign aid bill has prioritized humanitarian assistance for populations affected by the Syria conflict, but, for the first time in over two decades, the draft report accompanying the measure failed to cite specific dollar levels for aid to any of the Caucasus countries, reported the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA).

The ANCA reported last week that the House Foreign Operations Subcommittee has proposed sharp, overall reductions in foreign aid spending for FY14, cutting nearly 20% from both last year's figures and the Obama Administration's budget request. This year's proposed legislation was largely quiet on specific country allocations across the globe. The Subcommittee's version of this measure will be considered by the full House Appropriation Committee on Wednesday, July 24, when individual Members will have an opportunity to seek changes and clarifications regarding the bill's assistance priorities and levels. The date for full House consideration of the measure has not yet been set.

In the draft report accompanying the Subcommittee's version of the foreign aid bill, made public earlier, appropriators devoted considerable attention to the humanitarian crisis in the Middle East, stating that the "events in the Middle East, from the Arab Spring and the conflict in Syria to the continuing transition in Iraq, have intensified the challenges facing minority communities, including Christian populations, within these areas of conflict, instability, and transition. The Committee urges the Secretary of State to continue humanitarian and resettlement assistance for members of these vulnerable communities, both inside and outside their countries of origin."

The report specifically focuses on the Syrian crisis, noting that "the Committee understands that a majority of Syrian refugees live outside of formal camps, which adds considerably to the strain on the resources of countries hosting them. The Committee recognizes the urgent need to assist in the following ways: (1) help host countries expand their national systems to accommodate refugee needs, such as in the health and education sector, (2) ensure that host countries can continue to deliver basic services to their own citizens, (3) strengthen the capacity of local authorities to respond to the refugee influx, and (4) maintain refugees’ freedom of movement, right to settle in local communities, and access to economic opportunities. The Committee encourages the Department of State and USAID to, where appropriate, assist its partners and the affected host governments in the humanitarian response to the growing number of Syrians who have sought refuge in nearby countries and requested assistance."

References to humanitarian aid efforts in the Middle East are of particular importance to the Armenian American community, which is actively engaged with the Obama Administration and the Congress regarding the plight of Armenians and other at-risk populations caught in the cross-fire of the Syrian conflict. While the Armenian presence in Syria has a very long history, the majority of Syrian Armenians are descendants of those who found shelter, safety, and a new life in Syria after the Armenian Genocide of 1915-1923. The Armenian community numbered approximately 100,000 at the start of the present conflict. Estimates today are that as many as half of the community has left Syria, some permanently, others with the hope that they will be able to return. More than 10,000 Syrian Armenians have already fled to the Republic of Armenia, and another 10,000 or more have found refuge in Lebanon.