July 29, 2013 - 17:00 AMT
PanARMENIAN.Net news service upgrades its format

Starting from September 2013, PanARMENIAN.Net changes its format of the news presentation and distribution. Local events coverage, including home policy, social and cultural routine will be distributed predominantly through our social network channels, while the website will focus on foreign policy as well as Diaspora affairs and other significant issues, in addition to our exclusive projects.

Starting from the year 2000, we have been loyal to our principles upon which PanARMENIAN.Net and the homonymous non-governmental organization were founded. We will continue to operate relying on them. We highly value the quality of the news content and the healthy development of the media industry and are strongly opposed to the intellectual property theft, copy-pasting, counterfeit site rankings, confusing headlines, “click-here-to-see-the-scandalous-photos” type of materials. Similar tricks to attract visitors are contrary to our values and beneath our dignity, and thereafter cannot be regarded as means of income.

In the late 1990s, we were among the first in the media industry to declare that “online news and information should be of high quality and free”. We are still convinced that a media company in Armenia can develop and prosper without any external investments and without compromising the quality of the published materials.