March 27, 2006 - 16:54 AMT
Russia Can Reconsider Positions on Unrecognized Republics' Status
Russia can reconsider its positions on the status of unrecognized republics in the post soviet space, Polity Foundation President, Deputy Chairman of the Editorial Board of Russia in Global Affairs Vyacheslav Nikonov stated. In his words, Russia adheres to the principle of territorial integrity of Georgia and Moldova. "At the same time Russia builds its policy on two principles, these being the protection of rights of national minorities and the protection of Russian citizens living in these republics," he emphasized.

"Russia adheres to the principle of territorial integrity but if the threat to the national minorities increases Moscow can review its positions, especially if the status of the unrecognized republics will be raised in view of reconsideration of Kosovo's status," Vyacheslav Nikonov said, reported RIA Novosti.