March 30, 2006 - 15:24 AMT
US Has Tools to Exacerbate Contradiction between Iran's People and Regime
Iran represents most threat to the US, stated US State Secretary Condoleezza Rice in Senate today. She accused Teheran in supporting terrorism. Thereupon Rice said it is necessary to expand the coalition of countries, which object against Teheran's terrorist activities. In her words, the international community should not limit itself to discussion of the nuclear problem only. «We should think with wider categories and consider also what Iran does to support terrorism,» she said.

Accusing Teheran in destabilizing situation in Iraq, Rice did not conceal US is going to influence domestic affairs in Iraq. She specifically said US has tools necessary for that. «We also have a number of tools, that allow exacerbating contradictions between Iran's people and regime,» Rice said. The US State Secretary explained the point concerns efforts to support democracy in Iran. The Bush Administration had earlier requested $75 million as additional allocation to that end in 2006. The money is to be spent on strengthening radio and TV broadcasts in Iran, expanding contacts of Iranian people with the external world, etc.