March 30, 2006 - 15:38 AMT
Baku Tries to Present Armenia as Aggressor, but Does It for Domestic Use
Armenia pursues a clear and consistent policy in the settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict, Armenian President's National Security Advisor Garnik Isagulyan stated, when answering questions of the hot line of the Golos Armenii. "I cannot say today to which extent Azerbaijan's intention to quit talks is serious, however Armenia pursues a clear and consistent policy in the matter," Garnik Isagulyan said. In his words, after the latest Kocharian-Aliyev meeting in Rambouillet is was clear that Armenia wishes and is ready to settle the NK conflict peacefully, however within certain limits. Exceeding those limits would pose a threat to Armenia's national security, he added.

"Azerbaijan is naturally trying to present Armenia as an aggressor, however it is done for domestic use. The international community today finally understood the actual state of affairs. Thus, Azerbaijan's quitting the process or not is its own problem. I do not see any external threat to Armenia," Isagulyan said. "Some political forces stated right after Rambouillet that the meeting was a failure and Armenia is on the verge of war. However it is not so. The talks continue and the authorities continue their clear and consistent policy in the matter," Garnik Isagulyan said.