March 30, 2006 - 20:08 AMT
Application of Any Fair Model for Karabakh Conflict Doomed to Failure in Near Future
The conflict settlement model should necessarily provide for reasonable and bloodless approach proceeding from the true but not distorted history of the region with the complete maintenance of human right including the right to self-determination, President of the Society of Friendship and Cooperation with Armenia Victor Krivopuskov stated in an interview with PanARMENIAN.Net. "As a man well aware of the history of Karabakh and as the author of "Rebellious Karabakh" book I want to believe in a fair settlement model, the fairest model that will bring people back to peaceful and friendly co-existence. But such model seems to be doomed to failure in the near future," Krivopuskov said.

At the same time he emphasized that the history will severely punish the politicians, who in response to fair aspiration of the Armenian population of Nagorno Karabakh, provoked and allowed bloody national collision between two peoples in Azerbaijan since 1988.