April 12, 2006 - 13:44 AMT
Charity Concert Dedicated to Memory of Armenian Genocide Victims to Be Given in Moscow
"Araks" Belgian band will give a charity concert dedicated to the memory of the Armenian Genocide victims. The event was initiated by the Russian-Armenian Commonwealth NGO and will take place in the Hermitage garden on April 24 at 7 p.m. Moscow time. As reported by Yerkramas, the newspaper of Armenians of Russia, "Araks" performs traditional Armenian music in modern interpretation. The band plays classical guitar, flute, cello, shvi and duduk. The purpose of the concert is to attract the attention of the Russian public and political circles to the Armenian Genocide issue and contribute to the consolidation of the Armenian community, especially the youth. The information sponsors of the concert are some Russian media. Outstanding Russian public and political figures were invited to the concert.