April 12, 2006 - 18:08 AMT
Armenian-Polish Association Formed in Poland
An Armenian-Polish Association was formed in Poland, Association Chairperson, Armenian language tutor of the Warsaw University Margarita Yeremyan-Wozniakowska told PanARMENIAN.Net reporter in Poland. In her words, Armenians have for a long time lived in Poland but they have not formed a community yet. Presently there are some unsettled problems mostly connected with the financial state of the Association. According to Yeremyan-Wozniakowska, the membership fee amounting in 20 zlotys cannot solve even the tiniest problems. "We hope for grants," she said noting that a slide show on the Armenian Genocide will be the first event organized by the Association. The event will take place in the Center of Culture in Warsaw April 24.