November 28, 2013 - 17:11 AMT
Turkish fantasies: Yerevan claimed to “cede Karabakh regions to Baku”

Morbid fantasies of Turkey know no limits, with the latter occasionally bursting out new “sensational” details on Ankara’s plans to mend ties with Yerevan. According to Sabah, “Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu’s remarks on some creative ideas Turkey suggested to normalize relations with Armenia are gaining a new meaning.”

“Following talks with Putin and Obama, Ankara is readying a roadmap to establish peace in South Caucasus,” the daily said.

According to Sabah, “Yerevan already pledged to “cede 2 liberated regions to Azerbaijan,” however Ankara demanded a written statement confirming the move.

“Should Armenia announce its decision, Davutoglu will visit Yerevan December 12,” the daily said.

But wait, there’s more: it turns out that Armenian forces will “cede 2 out of 7 Karabakh-adjacent regions in exchange for normalizing ties with Azerbaijan and Turkey.” The daily, however, failed to specify what was meant by “normalizing.”