April 24, 2006 - 15:24 AMT
Kkachkar in Memory of Armenian Genocide Victims to Be Inaugurated in Warsaw
An event dedicated to the 91st anniversary of the Armenian Genocide was held in Warsaw, said PanARMENIAN.Net reporter in Poland. A lecture-discussion on the Armenian Genocide took place in the museum of ethnology. "We are open for dialogue however Turkey is not ready for talks yet," Armenian Consul Anahit Asatryan said. "The absence of relations between our states is not beneficial either for us or our neighbors, however Turkey set conditions that are inadmissible for Armenia. In this view Turkey's accession to the EU can have a positive impact on the Armenia-Turkey relations and opening of borders," she remarked. Shepherd of Armenians of Poland Tadeus Isahakian-Zalezski also attended the event. He reminded about the obstacles the Turkish diplomats pose against Armenians, including the story of khachkar inauguration in Krakow and closure of exhibition in Wraclaw. He informed that a khachkar in commemoration of the Armenian genocide victims will be erected in Warsaw as well. It should also be noted that a year ago Armenians were granted the status of national minority in Poland what is in many respects conditioned by the adoption of the Armenian Genocide Resolution by the Polish Seym.