April 24, 2006 - 16:50 AMT
Armenian Student Killed in Moscow
17-year-old student of the Moscow Governance University Vigen Abramyants was killed in a fight in Moscow April 22. In the opinion of President of the Union of Armenians of Russia Ara Abrahamyan, the crime was committed through national hatred, because the authorities and the society leave nationalism unpunished.

Meanwhile, as reported by RIA Novosti, the murder was committed because of a girl. The Armenian youth started a quarrel and then was killed. According to a source in the Moscow law enforcement bodies it was a murder of everyday life and it lacks any national implication. A criminal case was initiated according to Article 105 (murder) of the Russian Penal Code.

All the possible versions are being investigated at present, The law enforcers do not rule out the incident might have taken place through national hatred. Some witnesses say the Armenian youth was assaulted by a skinhead.