April 24, 2006 - 17:01 AMT
Union of Armenians of Russia Indignant over Armenian Student Murder
"The Union of Armenians of Russia expresses deep indignation over the killing of 17-year-old Armenian student Vigen Abramyants," says the statement issued by President of the Union of Armenians of Russia Ara Abrahamyan. "Like all Russian citizens we are concerned over the wave of fascist acts that covered major cities of Russia. We consider that such incidents are the consequence of connivance of the law enforcement bodies and demonstration of their incapability to secure the fundamental right of the citizens - the right of life," the statement says.

The UAR President underscored that the Union urges the law enforcers to find and punish the youth's murderers. "The skinheads' activities cast a shadow on the image of home fatherland. The raging of fascist elements should be stopped," he said.