April 24, 2006 - 18:56 AMT
Armenians Will Never Forget What John Evans Did
The decision on recall of the U.S. Ambassador to Armenia John Evans was taken by the State Department two months ago, Californian Courier editor-in-chief Harut Sasunian stated in the air of Horizon Los Angeles-based TV Company. In his words, Amb. Evans still performs his mission, however the Armenians throughout the globe must not only defend the Ambassador but also raise the issue of the Genocide recognition in the U.S.

"If we keep silent, no one will do anything. Armenians of the whole world will never forget what Ambassador Evans did. On our initiative an action in support of John Evans is being held in Armenia and the United States under the slogan "We will remember not the words of the foes but the silence of friends", Sasunian said.

He also emphasized that the U.S. Ambassador proved more responsible than President Bush. "During the first and second election campaigns Bush pledged to recognize the Armenian Genocide but has failed to it so far. But Ambassador Evans did it," Harut Sasunian said.