May 1, 2006 - 14:30 AMT
Azerbaijan Incapable to Reform Army without Military Doctrine
The Armenian army counts some 61 thousand servicemen (mobilization reserve - 300 thousand military). By January 1, 2001, Yerevan has entered 102 tanks, 204 armed vehicles, 225 artillery mounts, 8 warplanes and 12 war helicopters," Azeri conflictologist Rauf Rajabov said. In his words, Armenia also possesses 32 ballistic missiles. "The Armenian land forces comprise 4 motorized land brigades, 10 separate land regiments, 1 artillery brigade, 2 anti-aircraft brigades. The term of the Russian military base in Gyumri was set at 25 years, but it can be unlimitedly prolonged," he said.

Rajabov is sure, Azerbaijan is incapable to reform its army without a military doctrine. He is considers the poor knowledge of the soldiers to be the root of all evil. "The gap in relations between soldiers and officers tells on the efficiency index of the Azeri army. Some officers "granted" their responsibilities to sergeants, who use the power to solve their own problems, including the financial ones," Rajabov emphasized. At the same time he considers Azerbaijan should not "tremble before the enemy". "We should know our foe well and think widely," he said, reported