May 5, 2006 - 14:23 AMT
Control Officer Kept Hidden from Relatives of Killed
The airport administration keeps hidden the flying control officers who were on duty on the Airbus crash night. The police and FCS fear of lynch law. The control office, who was "leading" the Yerevan-Sochi flight, was classified as secret the same morning. The airport employees fear that the flying control officer can share the fate of his Swiss counterpart Peter Nilson who was knifed near his house by Ossetian Kaloyev who lost all his family in the crash.

The investigators have no claims to the control officers' work. The Russian law allows the pilots of foreign aircrafts to take decisions on landing in complicated meteorological conditions. Pilot of the crashed jet Grigory Grigoryan exercised the right unfortunately.

Meanwhile the relatives of the killed passengers blame the flying control officers for the tragedy. "They could bar landing but did not do it," a man says. Friends try to calm him down. "We should not look for those guilty. The prosecution is dealing with it. Our duty is to pay our last respects to our relatives, to bury them and bewail," they say.
However, situation is tensed and any sparkle of anger can cause an outburst. A FCS member said any contacts with the flying control officers are prohibited. It was decided to give them a leave. I suppose they are in a safe place now," he said, reported Zhizn (Life) Russian newspaper.