May 5, 2006 - 15:30 AMT
Record Boxes to Clarify Complete Picture of Crash
The complete picture of the crash will be clear only after the record boxes discovered by the French and Russian specialists at a depth of 680 meters are withdrawn, RA Security Council Secretary, Defense Minister Serge Sargsyan stated. In his words, although the International Civil Aviation Organization and French specialists requested the leading states for assistance, the world practice hasn't recorded a case when an object was withdrawn from such a depth so far.

"At present we can say for certain that the plane left Yerevan in a working order, flew to the responsibility zone of the Sochi control service and made a request for landing. The flying control officer said the weather was unfavorable and the plane turned around and headed for Yerevan. Being rather far from Sochi and entering the Georgian responsibility zone the pilot requested Sochi once again. On receiving the answer that the weather improved and that the plane can return the pilot started coming in the land. When the height made some 300 meters the control officer and the meteorological service said the weather worsened and the plane should do another circle and then land on another landing ground. Immediately after this the communication with the plane was lost and as it was found out later, it crashed into the water," Serge Sargsyan said.