May 6, 2006 - 14:17 AMT
Corpses of Another 8 Victims of Crash Delivered to Yerevan Last Night
8 corpses of victims of the crash of A-320 plane were delivered to Yerevan by a special flight from Sochi last night. The bodies were taken to the morgue of Forensic Medicine Institute and then were passed to relatives. Thus, 34 corpses of passengers of the crashed flight are transported to Yerevan.

List of crash victims, delivered to Yerevan:

1. Knyazyan Grigor - 14/11/63
2. Nalbandyan Silva - 12/08/52
3. Mkrtumyan Manyak - 03/04/40
4. Khachatryan Anahit - 10/02/54
5. Tadevosyan Sirvard - 17/01/56
6. Hamayakyan Styopa - 02/09/36
7. Ebzimyan Nazar - 07/08/83
8. Badoyan Khachatur - 18/09/86