May 30, 2006 - 14:45 AMT
Lavrov: "We Observe Progress in Karabakh Talks"
Head of Azeri parliamentary delegation to the PACE Samed Seidov asked a question to Russian FM Sergey Lavrov on the way Russia was going to use CE experience in settlement of the Karabakh conflict, taking into account Russia being a co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group, a respective CE resolution is adopted over the NK and there is a subcommittee on the conflict. Lavrov diplomatically answered, "Of course any experience is important to us. The OSCE Minsk Group deals with settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. It is pleasant to me to note we observe progress in the talks."

In Seidov's opinion, at this phase the EU does not conceal it wants to engage in Karabakh conflict settlement, however it is the OSCE MG, which has the mandate for that. In his words, non-productiveness and even sometimes idleness of the OSCE MG sometimes results in containing the settlement process, reports Trend.

Russia will preside the CE in the coming 6 months.