June 8, 2006 - 16:16 AMT
Armenia-Diaspora Third Forum to Be Held in Yerevan in September 2006
Armenia-Diaspora Third Forum will be held in Yerevan September 18-20, Armenian FM Vartan Oskanian stated at a news conference in Yerevan. In his words, 15 years of Armenia's independence will be summarized at the forum. "Cultural events will be held within the forum framework. One Nation, One Culture festival and Golden Apricot Third Cinema Festival will be held before the forum," Vartan Oskanian remarked.

The Armenian FM also said that challenges changed in the course of the past 15 years and so did the country. «We have other opportunities now, other potential. Armenia is much stronger now and is able to solve challenges the people and the country face,» he emphasized.

The forum will open September 18. Armenian President Robert Kocharian and NKR President Arkday Ghoukassian, Catholicos of All Armenians Garegin II and Catholicos of the Great Cilician House Aram I will address the first plenary session. Relations between Armenia and Diaspora, cooperation prospects will be discussed at the session. The second day will focus on agriculture exclusively. New Solutions of Old Problems of XXI Century Problems for Nation and State conference will be held on the third, final day of the forum.

«By convening the Armenia-Diaspora forum we hope that by uniting all national possibilities, capabilities, we can jointly solve all-national problems and create secure conditions for development and prosperity of the country,» Oskanian stressed.