June 8, 2006 - 19:29 AMT
Aliyev: «It Is Necessary to Carry Karabakh Peaceful Resolution through»
«I am sure the Nagorno Karabakh conflict will be settled within the framework of international norms and principles,» Azeri President Ilham Aliyev told NBC TV channel. In his words, terms of settlement of the Karabakh issue depend not only on Baku. «Territorial integrity of Azerbaijan is recognized by the international community and all countries, except Armenia. We will never agree to secession of NK, we will provide it widest autonomy within territorial integrity of Azerbaijan,» Aliyev underscored.

«They advice our country not to think of settlement by force. We believe that until there is an opportunity to settle the conflict peacefully, it is necessary to carry that way through,» Aliyev said.