June 8, 2006 - 19:54 AMT
OSCE MG Has New Proposals on Karabakh Settlement, Baku Says
Azerbaijan is not content with peace talks over Nagorno Karabakh settlement, reported Head of the Public and Political Section of Azeri President's Administration Ali Hasanov, when commenting on Armenian and Azeri Presidents' latest meeting in Bucharest. As of continuing the meetings between the Armenian and Azeri leader, he noted that Presidents themselves decide this matter. "If President Aliyev believes these meetings have no prospects, Azerbaijan will consider other adequate measures," Hasanov said.

In his words, the OSCE Minsk Group has new proposals over settlement of the conflict. However, these are not made public and are being analyzed by the parties. "We are not content with today's talks, as Armenia does not give up its non-constructive stance. International structures, as well as the OSCE MG are not going to exert pressure upon it. This does not content us," he underscored, reports Trend.