June 12, 2006 - 14:28 AMT
Switzerland Stands for Peaceful Settlement of Karabakh Conflict
The Swiss Federal Department for Foreign Affairs stands for a peaceful settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict, Swiss FM Micheline Calmy-Rey stated at a press conference in Yerevan. In her words, achievement of peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan will not only lead to stability in the region but also to normalization of the Armenian-Turkish relations.

As for the Armenian Issue, Ms. Calmy-Rey underscored that the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire in 1915 was recognized in Switzerland at the state level as well as by Cantons and municipal bodies. "Switzerland recognizes and condemns the Armenian Genocide. We are ready to contribute to any kind of dialogue between Armenia and Turkey for normalization of relations. But attempts have been fruitless so far," she said.

The Head of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs also reminded that the Swiss legislation maintains an article providing for criminal punishment for those who deny the Armenian Genocide and propagates racial and national intolerance.