June 19, 2006 - 19:46 AMT
No Necessity to Change Format of Talks on Karabakh
There is no necessity in changing the format of the talks on the Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement. Dealing with the problem since 1992 the OSCE Minsk Group is well aware of the core of the conflict and advanced 3 serious proposals during recent 8 years, chairman of the RA NA standing committee on foreign relations Armen Rustamian stated at a meeting with the delegation of the Czech Senate. In his words, unlike Armenia, Azerbaijan keeps on rejecting all the proposals and refrains from signing any document that conflicts with the variant of settlement it has fixed for itself. Armen Rustamian underscored that the region will normally develop if the conflicts are settled peacefully. However the policy pursued by Azerbaijan and Turkey impedes the problem resolution. As for the Armenian-Turkish relations, Rustamian emphasized that Armenia has always been ready to establish relations without preconditions, reported the RA NA press service.