June 24, 2006 - 14:28 AMT
Kocharian: Armenia Will Keep Participating in Karabakh Talks
Armenia will continue its participation in the talks over settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict Armenian President Robert Kocharian stated on Friday in Minsk at a full composition session of the CSTO Council of Collective Security. "It was suggested at the latest Bucharest meeting to take the project on the issue, drawn by the mediators, as the basis, however Azerbaijan did not approve of the project and the talks will continue," the President said.

Robert Kocharian noted "the dynamical development of military and technical cooperation within the CSTO framework." At that, in his words, Armenia "considers necessary to specify the parameters of the mechanisms of provision of military and technical assistance to CSTO members in case of external aggression." The President also urged to refrain from steps, "which may run counter to interests of the CSTO member states," reports Interfax.