June 24, 2006 - 16:20 AMT
Baku Attempts to Arrogate Iran's History to Azerbaijan Dangerous
Baku attempts to arrogate Iran's history to Azerbaijan are dangerous, Senior Research Fellow of the Institute of World Economy and International Relations Victor Nadein-Rayevsky stated in an interview with a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter. In his words, such trends in Azerbaijan's official historiography started already at the time of President Abulfaz Elchibey.

«The leaning towards Turkey started at that time. What is taking place in Azeri-Iranian relations now is the US policy, aimed at splitting Iranian society and country. Baku does not understand that hypothetical unification of North and South Azerbaijan will result in disappearance of Baku ruling elite,» the scholar underscored.

Nadein-Rayevsky remarked that South Azerbaijan's population is two times more that that of Azerbaijan itself, which will inevitably result in the victory of Iranian Azeris at the elections, if these are held. "The nuclear factor should not be forgotten. It is the most dangerous in the game of Washington and Baku," he remarked.