July 1, 2006 - 14:54 AMT
US Understands Energy Security Is Priority to Armenia
The United States assists in working out a long-term energy strategy in Armenia, U.S. Ambassador John Evans stated on June 30. "The US understands that energy security is a priority to Armenia," the American diplomat noted. He affirmed that Washington perceives the importance of the use of alternative energy sources and diversification of energy supply, and knows that in this context one of the options under consideration is the building of a new atomic power plant. Evans announced that the project of building a new atomic plant involves participation of international donors, which depends on the possibility to perceive fully the strategy of Armenia in the sphere of energy and closing of the old atomic power plant. John Evans suggested that Armenia discuss how the settlement of complicated problems with Azerbaijan will affect diversification of energy supply and finding new markets for generated electricity, reports lragir.am.