July 7, 2006 - 14:30 AMT
ICG: Karabakh Process Enters Horrific Stage
The statement submitted by the OSCE Minsk Group Co-chairs in Vienna June 22 to the OSCE Permanent Council is a very important document, International Crisis Group Caucasus project director Sabine Freizer said. In her words, the statement maintains a common approach to the conflict settlement. "It appears to be the most sincere and self-critical statement made by the mediators so far, as for the first time since the beginning of the talks in 1994 they have declared of inanity of their activities," Freizer said.

She said she is surprised that Armenia and Azerbaijan hold little talk about it. "As a matter of fact the OSCE Minsk Group's statement proves the absence of any international format of the talks. It turns out that the sides can proceed with the talks without mediators. Will another mediator be appointed? If the United States, Russia and France recede which international forces possess sufficient authority for performing the mediating mission" I do not believe in a new mediator. We gradually enter a horrific stage where there is no place for peaceful talks between the sides. Such situation has occurred for the first time since 1994," Freizer underscored, reported Azeri-Press.