July 7, 2006 - 14:49 AMT
Azerbaijan Wants Karabakh without Armenians
"In order to make us content with the conflict settlement we should proclaim Nagorno Karabakh without Armenians. All the other variants will be given hostile reception by a good half of our population, which is divided into two camps," head of the Center of Innovations and Political Technologies Mubariz Ahmedoglu said in Baku. In his words, a part of the Azeri public sees the OSCE MG latest statement on Nagorno Karabakh in tragic light. As for the statements by U.S. Co-chair Matthew Bryza, Ahmedoglu considers these were not his personal thoughts. "Matthew Bryza has made public the general principles of the Karabakh conflict settlement, which were elaborated during 8 years of the OSCE MG activities," the political scientist said.

He also supposed that "the issue of 7 seized regions around Nagorno Karabakh is almost settled. The succession of their liberation is the only stumbling block left," Zerkalo Baku-based newspaper says.