September 15, 2006 - 15:33 AMT
In Astana Garegin II Calls to Recognize Armenian Genocide
Catholicos of All Armenians Garegin II took part in the 2nd World and Religious Leaders conference in the Kazakh capital of Astana. The Catholicos made a report titled the Importance of Faith, in which he stated that Armenians "will to protect their beliefs despite what they experienced in the 1915 Genocide, and despite their trials and slander aimed at them."

In the declaration, a promise was made by religious leaders to "fight against pre-judgement and ignorance" across the world.

"Garegin II used his last chance to speak to the some 150 journalists in attendance at the conference," writes the Hurriyet Turkish newspaper.

The newspaper reminds that Garegin II, who is often considered the voice of the Armenian Diaspora, speaks often on the Armenian genocide.