October 2, 2006 - 15:35 AMT
French Socialists: Genocide Recognition Should Be Precondition for Turkey EU Accession
The Socialist Party of France shares the opinion of President Chirac that Turkey should recognize the Armenian Genocide before accession to the EU, a leader of the party, former Finance Minister of France Dominique Strauss-Kahn, who is going to run for the President next year, stated yesterday. Friday in Yerevan J. Chirac stated that Turkey should recognize the Armenian Genocide if it wants to join the EU. «The stance of the Socialist Party of France lies in it as well. We believe that acknowledgement of the Armenian Genocide should be precondition for Turkey's accession to the EU,» Dominique Strauss-Kahn noted. He added, that this precondition is a symbolical one, reports RFE/RL.