October 2, 2006 - 15:46 AMT
Yerevan to Celebrate its 2788th Anniversary October 13-14
The Armenian capital of Yerevan will celebrate its 2788th anniversary this year. As Chief of the Department of Culture, Sport and Youth of the City Hall Kamo Movsisyan told journalists, festivities will be held in the capital October 13-14. "10 delegations will visit the city during the celebration," he said.

The festivities will be full of surprises this year and these will be held under the personal supervision of Yerevan Mayor Yervand Zakharyan.

The opening ceremony will take place in the National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet after Alexander Spendiarov, while the closing will be in the Sport and Concert Complex after K. Dermichyan October 14, reports Novosti-Armenia.