October 2, 2006 - 16:29 AMT
Georgia Will Convey Russian Officers to OSCE Mission
Georgia will convey arrested Russian officers to the OSCE mission in that republic, Georgian President's Spokesperson Vano Noniashvili said. The ceremony of conveying those arrested will take place in the Office of Prosecutor General of Georgia. It will be held after the meeting of Saakashvili with OSCE Chairman-in-Office de Gucht.

Earlier Georgian Defense Minister Irakly Okruashvili stated deportation of Russian military is possible. "Irrespective of the foreign citizen having a diplomatic status or not, they can be exiled from the country," the Minister noted.

Four Russian military and several Georgian citizens were detained in Tbilisi on accusation of espionage September 27. Russian considered arrests of its military in Georgia provocation, called back its Ambassador from the country and addressed the UN Security Council, asking for closed consultations over the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict, reports RIA Novosti.