October 2, 2006 - 16:39 AMT
EU-Armenia Action Plan to Be Signed November 14
October 1 Armenian FM Vartan Oskanian and Foreign Minister of Finland Erkki Tuomioja signed statement on completion of consultations between EU and Armenia on the Action Plan within the European Neighborhood Policy (ENP) in Yerevan. As reported by the Finnish MOD leader, the agreement on putting the program in effect will be signed in Brussels November 14, 2006.

«The ENP is another step on the way of democratization and economic development of Armenia,» Tuomioja stated at a joint news conference with Oskanian. In his words, Euro-integration will stabilize and secure the region. In his turn the Armenian FM underscored the ENP provides Armenia an opportunity to take part in European integration more fully. «The agreement between Armenia and EU very important and issues from interests of the Armenian people and state. Our country is invited for closer cooperation and this adds our responsibility in peaceful settlement of the conflict,» Oskanian noted.

The Minister said the ENP is for 5 years and its main directions are democratic reforms and enhancing security. «We owe to the reforms for what we have. This is a new phase of reforms and Armenia will be a stronger and prosperous country by the 20th anniversary of its independence,» Oskanian underscored.