October 2, 2006 - 19:00 AMT
EU Can Serve as Settlement Model in Conflict Regions
South Caucasus may be called a transitional period region: conflicts and energy resources have caused dangerously explosive situations, EU Special Representative for the South Caucasus Peter Semneby stated at South Caucasus 2006: Trends of Development, Threats and Risks international conference organized by Spectrum Center for Strategic Analysis. In his words, the profit from energy resources should be distributed with extreme caution, as large incomes cause other problems. "There are problems, which are not solved, but put limitations on coming financial programs of the ENP," Semneby noted.

He also remarked that in 3 months after Bulgaria and Romania joint the EU, the EU will become a Black Sea power. As for Turkey, the EU Special Representative said that in this case Europe can play a more evident and stabilizing role, as it enjoys the trust of all countries of the South Caucasus. «The EU may serve as a settlement model in conflict regions. We have choice of instruments for solving conflicts,» Semneby said.