October 2, 2006 - 19:21 AMT
Conflicts Like Karabakh Can Be Solved by Talks Exclusively
Today Armenian President Robert Kocharian met with EU Troika delegation, led by Finnish FM Erkki Tuomioja, reports the Press Office of the Armenian leader. During the meeting the President was content with the institutional contacts between Armenia and EU starting in 1999, when Finland was presiding it as now. Noting the importance of successful completion of the Armenia-EU Action Plan within the ENP, the President said Armenia is prepared for serious work and considers the EU Action Plan as a new opportunity to implement purposeful and coordinated reforms. In his turn, Erkki Tuomioja stated that EU highlights progress in the Caucasus, especially the need for free and fair elections. The parties also discussed developments in the Karabakh settlement. Kocharian noted that conflicts like the Karabakh one can be solved by talks, discussions exclusively and never by resolutions and votes. The parties also exchanged views on the Armenian-Turkish relations.